by Jennefer | Jun 19, 2018 | IA Lifestyle, Kitchens
We love a good renovation! There is something about taking down walls, reconfiguring an area for better function and then seeing it finished out that makes our job so worthwhile. But sometimes even the simplest of renovations are even more rewarding! We recently had a sweet couple move to the area and reach out for help on their kitchen that wasn’t functioning properly for a young growing family.
by Amber | May 30, 2018 | Artsy, IA Lifestyle, IA Travel
One thing I can say about Nashville, Denver, and New York City is that they all are bursting with their own perfect personalities. One company that has tapped into those personalities is Kimpton Hotels.
by Stacy | Apr 30, 2018 | IA Lifestyle, IA News, Kitchens
I am fundamentally drawn to food. Most every meal involves friends and family, which helps perpetuate my fondness. I love to cook and try new food, and if I’m lucky, I get to dine out and catch a glimpse of the artists who live out their passion through the beauty of food.
by IA Intern | Feb 22, 2018 | IA Lifestyle, IA News, IA Travel
Traveling is something my soul requires, and I’m sure this is a “problem” that most people can relate to. Not only is travel something I love to do, there are countless articles online that explain the benefits that traveling provides for your...
by Jennefer | Jan 30, 2018 | IA Lifestyle, IA Travel
If you have ever followed Rick and I around on social media you will not be surprised to hear that Asheville, North Carolina is one of our favorite spots.
by Rick | Dec 18, 2017 | IA Lifestyle
Last blog post I pulled a project from the “favorites of the past.” This time I’m completely taken with a current/future project, but what brought me here is a love from very long ago. It started for me as it does for most kids, boy and girl alike – a blanket and something tall, a chair, sofa, or the dining room table. The more wood involved the better. When you are younger than reasonable understanding, more imaginative than John and Paul while writing Sargent Pepper’s, and – no cable TV (almost no TV at all), no video games, no internet (no problem – no computer!), cell phone..?.come on…!.., you can create wonderful adventures out of the abundance of “nothing” that you do have. So, began my love of cabins.