House Stalking 11930 Edition

The first time I visited the Hamptons it was cold, super windy and completely covered in snow. It was miserable to be honest. There were not many businesses open and it just seemed so desolate. All these big beautiful homes, completely empty.

Quebec City

In October, Jennefer and I were invited to visit Quebec City to learn about the full process of producing the highest quality hardwood floors; and as a plus, we were also able to explore this beautiful city!

A Glimpse of Swiss Konstnär

A few years ago I was lucky enough to invite myself to visit with friends who were at the time living in Switzerland. I was ecstatic! I spent a full week walking around with my mouth and eyes wide open. While I could literally spend hours talking about the history, the architecture, cobblestones, and the ALPS! I won’t. Today I want to share some of the spaces I didn’t even get to go into!

Designed for Travel

Traveling is something my soul requires, and I’m sure this is a  “problem” that most people can relate to.   Not only is travel something I love to do, there are countless articles online that explain the benefits that traveling provides for your...